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How will Industry 4.0 revolutionize your manufacturing plant?

Written by Heartland | Nov 15, 2022 7:47:50 PM

In today’s global economy, digital technology constantly evolves and disrupts supply chain operations. For example, new digitized services change supply chain relations because they may require businesses to collaborate with each other and share physical assets. Technologies like robotics, automation, and the Internet of things also replace older practices, therefore changing the way consumers and businesses operate. The age of digital transformation propels businesses to increase connectivity and implement smart technology that fosters innovation. This response from businesses to the rapid evolution of technology is known in the supply chain industry as the fourth industrial revolution, or “Industry 4.0”. Smart technology and increased connectivity can help:

  • Advance T&L operations to speed up last-mile delivery
  • Deliver precise asset tracking for more accurate orders
  • Collect massive amounts of data for real-time insights and operational visibility


Digital transformation from these benefits helps businesses maximize operational efficiency and save time and money. Studies indicate that digital transformation and a focus on the customer experience can generate up to a 30% increase in customer satisfaction and economic gains of up to 50%. Improved customer experiences and controlled costs help businesses prepare for evolving technology and consumer expectations to stay ahead of supply chain trends.


Additionally, studies specify that 73% of warehouses are currently in the process of automating vital workflows. Without a plan to automate mainstream workflows and increase connectivity, warehouses could ultimately lose a competitive edge and the ability to meet consumer expectations.


How to Join the Industry 4.0 Movement

Complex supply chains used to be seen as something that impedes progress. Now, complex changes to various technologies are actually showing greater visibility, flexibility, and versatility in supply chain operations. Automated and interconnected systems now leverage robotics, wearable technology, and predictive analytics to forecast demands and prepare for eventual challenges. These new solutions are helping decision-makers manage the supply chain by reducing errors, streamlining data access, and increasing worker productivity. While next-level modernization may take different shapes depending on the nature of your industry, experts recommend considering the following goals when designing your intelligent solution:


  1. Establish real-time communication and updates for your workforce - Dropped signals on devices and inconsistent connections can disrupt warehouse performance and prevent growth. Fortunately, authorized network technicians can deliver fast, undisrupted wireless performance from your enterprise network when you work alongside them. A strong foundation of wireless connectivity can help your business stay with Industry 4.0.
  2. Maximize inventory control without overwhelming teams - Smart warehouse automation like Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) automate picking assistance so your team can accurately track stock levels with real-time data. AMRs speed up shipments and increase customer satisfaction to meet the demands of today’s economy and respond to Industry 4.0.
  3. Accelerate productivity without compromising accuracy - Smart technology should also improve accuracy to strengthen operations. Prevent misplaced and stolen products with Fixed Industrial Scanners (FIS) that automate scanning and alert employees instantly of any inaccuracies. FIS delivers 99.99% scanning accuracy and 24% more worker productivity to empower operations for Industry 4.0.      


The age of digital transformation is ushering in Industry 4.0 through increased connectivity and smart technology. Contact us to learn more about how you can digitally transform your enterprise to revolutionize operations.