Take a look back at OpTech 2024 - Staylinked

A Look Back At OpTech 2024 – StayLinked

May 13, 2024

Seemingly as quickly as it came, OpTech 2024 has come to a close. And, as expected, in typical OpTech fashion, this year’s event was an extravagant success! So much so, we can’t help but feel slightly bad for those who were not able to come and check it out—as it is the most innovative and insightful technology event with each coming year. If you were one of those who were not able to attend this event, we believe it is appropriate to assume that you’re thinking: “did I really miss that much at OpTech 2024?” Well, without question, there is nothing quite like OpTech—an event that assembles all the industry’s best to utilize their respective sets of knowledge on all the up-and-coming technologies that are being deployed to streamline supply chain enhancement processes. In addition to that, there were numerous opportunities to network with similar, ambitious professionals and interact with insightful showcases of vendors that are full of knowledge regarding advancements within today’s modern and ever-evolving supply chain. So, as you can see, 2024’s OpTech was, yet again, an unmissable event. Of course, you can’t be everywhere all at once. So, if you’re one of those who were unable to go this year, do not worry! There was just too much invaluable information provided at OpTech 2024 for us not to share bits of it! There were countless presentations that touched on the lessons learned from 2023’s supply chain, sustainability, artificial intelligence (AI) in demand forecasting, predictive analytics for risk management, private LTE connectivity for enhanced communications, and so much more. Without a doubt, OpTech 2024 really covered everything!


Of the many innovative speakers that attended the premier event, OpTech 2024, we would like to provide a recap of StayLinked—including who they are and what they do, as well as what they presented at this year’s incredible event.


Who is StayLinked and what do they do?

StayLinked Corporation is the premier provider of Terminal Emulation software, specializing in solutions that enhance the operational efficiency of warehousing, transportation, manufacturing, and logistics sectors. Terminal Emulation (TE), foundational to the operations of nearly two-thirds of the world's warehouses, highlights the enduring relevance and widespread adoption of TE solutions in modern supply chains. With over three decades of industry experience in Terminal Emulation solutions, StayLinked has become synonymous with cutting-edge innovation, robust security, and unmatched reliability. StayLinked's TE software is critical in powering a significant portion of the global warehousing infrastructure, demonstrating its pivotal role in the functionality of nearly two-thirds of the world’s warehouses. The software is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing warehouse management systems (WMSs) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) packages, enabling businesses to streamline operations, reduce errors, and increase productivity. With a focus on continuous improvement and customer-centric innovation, StayLinked provides advanced features (such as session persistence, application modernization, and intuitive user interfaces) that have proved crucial for businesses looking to adapt to the evolving demands of the supply-chain economy and maintain competitiveness in their industries. Through its commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges, StayLinked continues to develop comprehensive solutions that support robust logistical and manufacturing processes.


What did StayLinked present at OpTech 2024?

This year at OpTech, Justin Griffith, StayLinked’s Chief Technology Officer, delivered a presentation focused on a recent VDC study aimed at understanding the trends of new technologies in the warehouse. The study, which included a global perspective with equal representation from the Americas, APAC, and Europe, aimed to shed light on the challenges and considerations associated with upgrading Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). Justin highlighted that upgrading WMS is one of the most complex and costly endeavors an organization can undertake, emphasizing the investment in not just financial terms but also in adapting to the new system's capabilities and limitations. Justin further discussed the strategic development of Evolve, a solution designed to simplify and minimize the risks and costs associated with the integration of new technologies, providing flexibility regardless of the WMS version being used. This approach aims to mitigate the risks and costs associated with upgrades, making it a more viable option for businesses regardless of their size—from large corporations to smaller entities. The presentation also touched upon the competitive and technological advancements driving the need for upgrades, such as improved accuracy and integration of new technologies like IoT for better operational efficiency. The discussion concluded with the acknowledgment of the high risks involved in upgrades, the need for careful consideration of these investments, and offered strategic guidelines for technology adoption for today's fast-evolving business environment.


To read the full report, please visit: https://info.staylinked.com/vdc-warehouse-report-2024


Without question, OpTech 2024 was one for the books! If, for whatever reason, you weren’t in attendance this year, we are already expecting to see you in 2025. By far, it is the premier technology summit of the year—as it delivers insights to and knowledge of supply chain advancements that come straight from the industry’s best. Along with that, you are provided with an abundance of opportunities to collaborate and network with so many like-mind, industry-driven professionals. Truly, we are extremely fortunate to have the opportunities to work with, host, and network with brilliantly prominent and insightful companies like StayLinked. Their in-depth and conversant presentation gave us all who were in attendance—and, to a degree, those of you, too, who were not at OpTech but read this blog—extraordinary amounts of insights regarding all things terminal emulation and warehouse management system advancements and innovations. Invaluable pieces of information and insight from presentations like StayLinked’s is what makes OpTech such an incredible event. At Heartland, we ceaselessly endeavor to provide our customers with sustainable and scalable solutions that are constructed to deliver enhanced levels of efficiency, productivity, sustainability, and profitability throughout their operations. In that, too, we are very proud to host such an informative and innovative event to spread so many resources and assets. If you want to learn more about OpTech or are ready to take your business to a new level of efficient, reach out to our team of experts!