
Exploring how SOTI’s new XSight Platform combats downtime

Aug 25, 2022

Hardware downtime has cost businesses hundreds of dollars in lost productivity, missed sales, non-compliance fees, and workforce stress. While automated solutions aim at maximizing productivity, they are still vulnerable to breakdowns, maintenance checks, and misplacements. Studies show that 98% of businesses say a single hour of downtime costs them over $100,000, stemming from device repairs and lost or stolen devices. To meet customer demands without overworking the workforce, modernization plans must proactively mitigate unscheduled downtime. This is best done with a device visibility solution similar to SOTI’s new XSight Platform.

To talk about how you can achieve visibility and reduce downtime, we talked to Shash Anand, SOTI’s Vice President of Product Strategy, to dive into the benefits of SOTI’s XSight Platform and its role in empowering remote troubleshooting with real-time support. While you can catch the full interview in our latest podcast, we wanted to share a few of the highlights below.


  1. So Shash, for businesses committed to reducing downtime, how do you recommend they start that process?

    Shash Aanad: You should first start by reducing unnecessary device replacements. 92% of batteries that are replaced are actually healthy, which can be an unnecessary thousand dollar cost. SOTI and Heartland can help you save thousands of dollars in unnecessary device replacements. We can identify the batteries that actually need replacement, tell you why your batteries are degrading, and track how you are charging the devices. We share insightful analytics with you to give your business the visibility you need to track your assets.

  2. How can businesses monitor app and device usage through platforms like XSight?

    Shash Aanad: We give you visibility for which business apps and nonbusiness apps are installed, being used, and how long they are being used. This uncovers which versions of each app you have so you can eliminate applications that are taking up too much storage. Higher visibility of your applications improves the ROI of your app investment and our Xsight Platform also tells you the locations of all your devices on a map.

  3. Does connectivity still play a significant role in expanding visibility through platforms like this?

    Shash Aanad: SOTI’s new XSight platform collects carrier signal strength throughout the entire time the device is used and combines it with the location of the device. It’s able to tell you over a heat map of your cellular signal strength across all your fleets of devices and filter it down to pinpoint the causes of connectivity issues and solve them.

  4. Besides downtime prevention, are there other ways XSight helps secure productivity?

    Shash Aanad: Not only is it a cost for downtime but also a huge cost to look up and solve issues. XSight’s device spotlight gives you all the information you need to identify a root cause of a device’s problems or its application issues. Battery usage, data consumption, and signal strength are aggregated across your entire fleet to identify trends and patterns. We can also look at an individual device to see how it’s been working from the previous week all the way up to its last 12 months. Productivity losses, expenses replacements, shipping, lost or stolen devices, represents 80% of the true cost of mobility.

Visibility is key when it comes to proactively optimizing workflows. To learn more about SOTI’s new XSight Platform or other visibility technologies, CONTACT HEARTLAND’S TECHNICIANS and evaluate your workflows to find solutions that best match your challenges.