Mobile Technology Warehouse

How You Can Keep Your Warehouse Employees Safe During These Times

Mar 17, 2020

As your partner, Heartland is focused on keeping your mobile workforce operating smoothly. The outbreak of COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge to many of our customers. Supply chains are stretched, operations are stressed, and businesses of every type are feeling the pressure of this unfortunate season. We want to offer our support and help in any way we can.

As the outbreak continues to impact individuals and businesses, there are preventative actions that can help keep your employees safe and critical operations running. When workers are interacting with mobile devices regularly, it is important to have a clear protocol for not just employee disinfection, but device disinfection as well.

Putting these protocols in place requires diligence, but they can help keep your workers and your workplace safer. Here are 3 ways to accomplish this:

  1. Require all employees to practice frequent handwashing. Before their shift, after breaks, before and after meals, and as they leave their shift. This frequent handwashing is to their own benefit and the benefit of the remaining workforce surrounding them. As simple as it may sound, the regular practice of thorough handwashing is the first and best line of defense against infection. Hand-sanitizers are a great addition to the regular cadence of hygiene in the workplace.

  2. Implement the correct device cleaning procedures. Mobile devices CAN carry infection, so cleaning and disinfecting is a must. From one device to the next, the disinfecting process will vary, so refer to user guides for each model and familiarize yourself with these cleaning instructions. If you need specific direction on where to find this, our support team is available to answer your questions. User guides have step-by-step instructions on how to thoroughly disinfect all components of these devices as well as safe cleaning products. For a more thorough dive on how to effectively clean and disinfect mobile devices, check out this article

  3. Reiterate to all employees that if they or someone around them is sick, they need to stay home. When in close proximity, the rate this virus can spread is significant. Some businesses have begun to offer paid sick leave to all employees as a way to encourage the conscientious adherence to a “stay home if you’re sick” policy.

The CDC has guidelines and updates that all businesses can followThe health of your workforce is the most important element of your operations, and the heart of your business. We at Heartland are here to support you in any way we can, and wish you the best in this trying time.

Hear from Heartland regarding our operational update here.


Todd Greenwald | Heartland General Manager