
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Solution Provider

Sep 07, 2023

The right solution provider is an essential asset to the success of a business. A proper provider can help businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and boost profitability. This can include improvements in hardware, like workplace technology, or even new software installments and updates. Selecting the correct provider, however, presents a challenge. With a large market of available providers to choose from, it’s valuable, yet intimidating, to have a very selective process.

So how can your business make the right choice? We first need to consider what exactly a solution provider does. The standard procedure for how a solution provider operates includes… 

  • Examining the client's existing infrastructure and assessing their requirements 
  • Identifying the appropriate hardware and software from various manufacturers to achieve project objectives
  • Implementing the necessary hardware and software at the client's location
  • Maintaining ongoing support after installation

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at what your business will need to think about during the decision process. 


Things to Consider When Choosing a Solution Provider 

Evaluating your business needs is one of the biggest factors in selecting a solution provider. Firstly, you’ll want to figure out what specific technology or services your business may need, and then pair that with any goals or objectives your company is looking to accomplish. For example, if you run a warehouse and need 2D barcode scanners that can handle larger amounts of inventory, then you likely need a solution provider dealing with distribution centers

The selection process can be tricky, as there is a lot on the table to consider. When it does come time to decide, it’s important to focus on your business’s infrastructure first. Evaluating your business from within involves these three steps: 

  1. Review your technology infrastructure – To start, identify any gaps in your current workplace technology. That way, you can determine if you need a provider with a large range of available products or one with more specialization. Having the right hardware is vital to utilizing a solution provider to the fullest. 
  2. Establish a budget – While finding the ideal solution provider is important, it’s also important to fortify your budget. Selecting a provider who can work within how much the company wishes to spend is a major factor in this process. This may include any long-term costs too, such as maintenance fees. 
  3. Support – Does your team want hands-on support and training during the process? Is there more value in merely having outside help in a more external role? You want the most out of the investment into a solution provider, and therefore you should be particular when it comes to the level of support and expertise you need. 


The Potential Challenges of Working with the Wrong Solution Provider

When working with a solution provider, there are also probable risks that businesses should be aware of. A lack of transparency or honesty from the provider is a big one: this may include overpromising services or hiding flaws within their software or products. Another risk is a potential lack of cyber security. Solution providers may have access to sensitive business data, which could be at risk of theft or exposure. 

If a solution provider is also not responsive or does not offer adequate support, businesses may struggle with the implementation and ongoing use of the solution. All of these variables can lead to wasted time, money, and resources on a solution that ultimately does not meet the business's needs. It’s important to make note of these variables when it comes time to choose a vendor. 


The Selection Process: Evaluating What Vendor is Right for Your Company

Once you’ve gathered all of the important information from within your company, it’s time to make a choice. There are several factors in choosing the right solution fit. For starters, you’ll want to consider a solution provider’s experience. While it may be an obvious part of the process, it’s valuable to work with a company that has years of experience and expertise. More than that, however, you want a solution provider that knows your industry and has even worked with similar businesses to yours. 

Another important consideration is the vendor's relationship with technology developers. You want to work with a provider that partners with modern technology compatible with your existing infrastructure. Circling back to the barcode scanner example, you wouldn’t want to pair up with a business that struggles to procure the right hardware. There would be a delay in upgrading technology which would ultimately hurt productivity. Your warehouse needs to be able to integrate a higher volume of assets in a more streamlined process, and therefore your solution provider should have the most up-to-date technology available to help make that happen. 

Not everything will integrate perfectly and ultimately there will be some growing pains and inevitable questions. A good vendor should have an excellent customer service system. This should start from the beginning with the consultation process and carry on into an ongoing support system. An excellent customer service team separates itself from others by being both responsive and excellent at problem-solving. 

Finally, it's essential to evaluate the vendor's pricing structure. As mentioned previously, your business has expectations when it comes to costs. You want to work with a provider that offers transparent, reasonable pricing. Be wary of vendors that offer low prices, as these providers may cut corners or provide subpar products or services. 


The Next Steps: Getting the Most Out of Your Solution Provider Experience

Once you do find the right solution provider, it’s important to get the most out of your investment to avoid running into any previously stated issues. You want to be clear with your communication on the expectations of your business so that there are no gray areas once installation and integration begin. At the same time, the solution provider should be able to offer consistent updates and any challenges they may encounter during the integration process. 

This sort of communication and openness will also require adaptability. Your business needs are not concrete and therefore the solution you require will have to be able to evolve. This means working closely with your vendor to identify new requirements and opportunities to ensure the solution remains relevant and effective. 

Finally, it's important to recognize that the need for collaboration should come from both parties involved. Your solution provider should seek out feedback, both on their performance and on the solution itself. This opens up the opportunity for constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement on your end. Ultimately, this two-way line of communication will help the solution provider to better understand your needs and to deliver a better solution. With Heartland’s AlwaysOn mobile device management and AlwaysConnected wireless network optimization, there is always dependable communication with our partners.

The need for a solution should be met with an amazing team ready for strategic collaboration. At Heartland, we believe in our mission to collectively inspire change to enhance lives. Our AlwaysConnected and AlwaysOn services are ready to help optimize your company’s performance. Get in on the action today!