
Top 10 Goals Logistics Teams Should Have - and How to Achieve Them

Aug 22, 2023

As a logistics team, it is important to have clear goals in order to effectively navigate the complex world of supply chain management. Whether you are a small operation or a large corporation, having a set of goals can help you stay on track and achieve success. In our mission to inspire change and enhance lives, we rounded up 10 goals that logistics teams should have and offer some tips on how to accomplish them as well as a few helpful technologies to consider.

  1. Reduce Fulfillment Costs

Most warehouse leaders agree that order fulfillment expenses account for over 50% of total operation expenses. However, current demands for faster shipping and updated regulations may place a heavier financial strain on businesses. In addition to traditional pick-and-pack costs,  distributors are also having to navigate:

  • Correctional costs spent to resolve incorrect shipments
  • Storage costs which increase as the price of rented space increases.
  • Data security expenses required to protect networks from today’s cyber threats.
  • Fluctuating fuel costs that continue to challenge lean operations.

Decreasing unnecessary expenses frees you up to invest in tools that accelerate throughput. Digital solutions can also combine mainstream tasks into one device, allowing you to optimize routes, track shipments, and communicate with retailers in real-time all through one handheld device. It is also important to regularly review your processes and identify areas where you can streamline operations and eliminate waste.

  1. Improve Worker Efficiency

Most automation plans aim at improving efficiency by simplifying repetitive, error-prone tasks. By prioritizing worker efficiency, businesses can create a work environment that attracts experienced talent. Studies have found that 75% of warehouse workers want technology to assist them.

Warehouse  robotics have proven successful in getting products from point A to point B as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, while also maintaining quality standards. This can also involve implementing technology solutions such as warehouse management systems and transportation management systems, as well as investing in training and development for employees.

  1. Enhance Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service is essential for any business, and logistics teams are no exception. This means ensuring that products are delivered on time and in good condition, as well as providing accurate tracking information and responsive communication.

To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in tools and processes that enable them to monitor shipments in real-time, and train employees to provide exceptional customer service. IoT and long-range connectivity go hand-in-hand to accomplish this goal since they help administrators track shipments and provide accurate information about a customer’s order in real-time.

  1. Ensure Compliance

Distribution teams must also ensure that they are in compliance with all relevant regulations and industry standards. Failure to do so can result in denied deliveries, product shortages, and high correctional fees. New compliance codes such as the FSMA update, the DCSCA, and Walmart’s RFID requirement aim to protect consumers from counterfeit and spoiled products, helping companies ensure the quality of their products -and their brands- remains untainted.

To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in training and education for employees, as well as implementing technology solutions that enable them to track and manage compliance requirements. Digitized record-keeping and data segmentation can be useful to accomplish this goal since it provides a dependable track record of inventory data while highlighting affected stock in the event of an audit.

  1. Stay Ahead of the Competition

In today's fast-paced business environment, logistics teams need to stay ahead of the competition, a goal easier said than done since automation systems are becoming more commonplace with every coming year. Nevertheless, modernization is not a destination, but a journey.

To truly stay ahead of the competition, businesses must work alongside technology providers to discover optimization solutions that expand their current system. This means being aware of industry trends and emerging technologies, as well as constantly seeking out ways to improve operations and reduce costs. To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in research and development, as well as evaluate their current technologies to make sure systems and software are updated.

  1. Build Strong Partnerships

Building strong partnerships with carriers, suppliers, and other stakeholders is essential for any logistics team. This means establishing open lines of communication, building trust, and working collaboratively to achieve shared goals. To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in relationship-building activities such as regular meetings, joint planning sessions, and ongoing communication.

  1. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Fostering a culture of continuous improvement is essential for any successful logistics team. This means encouraging employees to identify areas for improvement, experimenting with new processes and technologies, and constantly seeking out ways to do things better. To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in training and development for employees, and when possible, provide incentives for innovation and improvement.

  1. Embrace Sustainability

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for logistics teams. In addition to protecting the environment, sustainable practices can also help decrease operational costs by reducing fuel expenses with proactive routing and energy-efficient technology.

To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in sustainability initiatives such as green transportation options, multi-purpose hardware, and energy-efficient batteries. Another popular solution to reducing e-waste is device rentals since it empowers teams with newer devices and lower acquisition costs. Watch our video to learn more:


  1. Maintain Flexibility

Maintaining flexibility is essential for any logistics team. This means being able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, customer demands, and other factors that can impact supply chain operations. To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in agile processes and technologies, as well as fostering a culture of flexibility and adaptability.

  1. Measure and Track Success

Finally, it is important for logistics teams to measure and track their success in achieving their goals. This means setting clear metrics and KPIs, monitoring progress regularly, and making adjustments as needed. Collected KPIs can also help in developing an accurate forecast of inventory demand and labor gaps, leading to a more successful peak season.

To achieve this goal, logistics teams should invest in technology solutions that provide real-time data and analytics, and establish regular reporting and review processes such as:

  • Long-range barcode scanners
  • Wearable solutions
  • Android-based mobile computing
  • Enterprise rugged tablets
  • Custom labeling solutions
  • Real-time locationing systems

No Matter Which Goals You Set, Achieve Them All with Heartland

The list above is by no means exhaustive. However, by setting clear goals and investing in the right tools, processes, and people, these challenges can become optimization opportunities that catapult businesses into enterprise success. Whether you are focused on reducing costs, improving efficiency, or enhancing business relationships, strategize your goals with Heartland to leverage tested expertise, compassionate commitment, and a variety of adaptable technology systems designed for continuous efficiency.